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A little about us:

We started Pacifier City as an online store at specializing in the creation of custom baby pacifiers.  Over the last few years the family got involved and we expanded to other baby products, toddler products, products for preschoolers and are moving into the elementary grades too.  This has grown from a hobby into a passion.  We also discovered that we had a talent for sharing great products designed by other designers.  Out Pinterest account gets over a million viewers every month.  It was the success we've had at Pinterest that lead us to decide to build this website.  Now we not only share product creations from other Zazzle designers, but from great companies around the world.  It makes us so happy when we connect parents and parents to be with quality products that make raising happy little humans easier for the families that visit us.  We hope that you enjoy visiting this website and know that it is ever changing and growing, so come back often.

Do you have your own website for your products?

7/24/21 - Currently, the answer to this question is no.  We are in the process of building our own website that will be found at  Currently that web address leads back to this website.  But at some point in the not too distant future, it will showcase our artwork, designs and products. 


We do have an online store at HERE.  And we have a much smaller store at Redbubble, HERE.

Why don't you sell from your own website?

We sell through third party companies because it makes sense for us.  We do not have a physical store in the real world where we can sell good through.  We don't have the space for inventory nor the time to create the physical goods we sell.  We currently hold day jobs and don't have the ability to answer customer questions, or to box and ship purchases.  Those are just a few reasons... Plus, selling through POD's (Print on Demand Companies) guarantees that their is little retail waste... ie. you order 1 shirt and 1 shirt is printed and shipped to you.  We don't have to order 500 shirts and hope to sell them all.  This sales method is, in our opinion, environmentally conscious.  It just works for us.  Hope you can understand.

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